FLEXIBOWL® 800 @ AXYSTO | Trémie - bol vibrant - Idéal pour les composants de 20 à 250 mm avec zone retro-éclairée
FlexiBowl®, Flexibel onderdelenvoedsysteem, Geautomatiseerde productielijnen, Industriële robots, Cobots, ARS S.r.l., Epson robots, Optimalisatie van onderdelenvoeding, Onderdelenopname door grijper, Verbeterde voedsnelheden, Verhoogde productiviteit, Verminderde omschakeltijden, Werking van het flexibele systeem, Pulsgenerator, Rotatiebeweging, Stabilisatie van onderdelen, Efficiënt pick-and-place door robot, Communicatie tussen robot, PLC, Visiesysteem, Ethernetcommunicatie, I/O-communicatie, Plug-in voor
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FLEXIBOWL® 800 @ AXYSTO | Trémie - bol vibrant - Idéal pour les composants de 20 à 250 mm avec zone retro-éclairée
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, FlexiBowl®, Flexibel onderdelenvoedsysteem, Geautomatiseerde productielijnen, Industriële robots, Cobots, ARS S.r.l., Epson robots, Optimalisatie van onderdelenvoeding, Onderdelenopname door grijper, Verbeterde voedsnelheden, Verhoogde productiviteit, Verminderde omschakeltijden, Werking van het flexibele systeem, Pulsgenerator, Rotatiebeweging, Stabilisatie van onderdelen, Efficiënt pick-and-place door robot, Communicatie tussen robot, PLC, Visiesysteem, Ethernetcommunicatie, I/O-communicatie, Plug-in voor


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The FlexiBowl® 800C/CC is designed to handle products of any geometry, surface type, and material, offering unmatched flexibility in part feeding. Its versatile capabilities make it ideal for a wide range of applications across various industries.

Moreover, it is fully compatible with all types of industrial robots and vision systems,
ensuring seamless integration into existing production lines and enabling efficient automation processes : Brochure Flexibowl 800 C/CC 

One FlexiBowl® handles parts from 20 to 250 mm and up to 250g

Available in 6 models : 200 - 350 - 500 - 650 - 800 - 1200

Flexibility : Acceleration, pulse speed, acceleration, and frequency are easily adjustable, ensuring optimal separation for each part and enabling quick production changeovers. The electronic and mechanical systems work together for seamless programming and reprogramming.

Certified Cleanroom : according to ISO 14644-1

Easy to reprogram : FlexiBowl® is simple to reprogram and can be upgraded with additional options to adapt to any transformation the production line requires. Its parameters are very easy to modify.

Analysis and free test

Experience firsthand how the system works with your parts through a free test. We’ll help you select the perfect model and accessories, ensuring you get the most efficient and cost-effective solution. Don’t miss out – request your free test today and discover how FlexiBowl® can transform your production !    Ask for a free test


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